This is a small library to download the current balance as well as transaction data from a Compass Card via web scraping and CSV export.
1) Create an instance and set the delegate
2) Call authorizeAndGetBalance
with the email and password, it will return the card number and balance
3) Call downloadCardTransactions
with a card number as well as the date you want to start loading transactions from
4) Dismiss the view your delegate provided
Please also check out the complete documentation here.
The library supports the Swift Package Manger, so simply add a dependency in your Package.swift
.package(url: "", .exact(from: "X.Y.Z")),
Note: as per semantic versioning all versions changes < 1.0.0 can be breaking, so please use .exact
for now
Please note that I developed this library for my own needs. As there is no offical API, everything was reverse engineered and there may be a lot of bugs.
Pull requests to fix bugs are otherwise enhance the library are very welcome.
While my code is licensed under the MIT License, the source repository may include names or other trademarks of CompassCard, TransLink or other entities; potential usage restrictions for these elements still apply and are not touched by the software license. Same applies for the API design. I am in no way affilliated with TransLink other than beeing customer.